I woke up to the sad news of Maya Angelou's death today. I don't know any college grad who hasn't been touched by her words at some point. (I remember reading LOTS of her work in every Humanities Course).
As a tribute I started making a powerpoint show to tell my students about her this week. I found an awesome website with "copy-write" free graphics on it, and I went to town writing a kid friendly biography on her. Her life is probably not talked about very much in elementary schools because of its "heavy" nature.
I started the show with her early life (all G rated, wrote a list of her accomplishments *did a lot of research*, and then I ended the show with 'kid friendly' quotes: quotes they would actually understand!
So here are some of my graphics with her quotes in them, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them.
Here's a link to it:
I also finished another slideshow for summer on Suns- science and safety tips. I had so much fun making it.
Take care Readers! I am tired. Only 5.5 more days of school left for me. Woot.
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