August 11, 2015 / 3 comments



Washi Tape Madness!

I will be honest with you.  My life sort of gets overrun by my intense spurts of excitement over trivial things (I'm a gemini if that makes sense). I get real excited about a tv show, and then I binge the whole series in one week on Netflix.  Then I jump into a deep dark moody depression because my "show" is over. Until the next new thing sparks my interest of course!

  I get excited over music, movies, books, websites, social issues, clothing, jewelry, all the same way!

 I go *overboard*.

Right now, I'm in the midst of washi tape madness.  I bought tons from ebay Japan that was disappointing.  Then I spent WAY too much at Joann's for my classroom.. and now I've found a happy medium of AllyDrew Washi tape on Amazon! It's the highest rate/cheapest/prettiest tape on the internet!

Here's my loot so far this week!

This tape is rich.. thick.. and there's a lot per roll for the price!  The top polka dot roll is actually duct tape minis- which I got at Walmart for $1.47.  The stripey turquoise next to it I also got at Walmart for a buck!  The rest though is AllyDrew Washi Tape that I bought on Amazon!  I will post the direct links below.  Be aware that the price changes daily sometime. I got mine for 9.80/pack.. but I see it's gone up a tad... it's still the best washi tape I've found for the price!!  

Those are the exact rolls I bought!

Here are the rolls on my new wish list!!

Beautiful right?

I plan on covering everything that is ugly in my classroom with it, so we'll see how it goes.  My first mini project is my filing cabinet, but I may ditch the hideous beast all together.  The next thing is drawing out squares and rectangles for schedules and standards on my boards.  Last year I used masking tape (decorative), but it was really expensive at 4.77/roll, so this year I'm trying out the washi tape!  I will be sure to let you know how it goes!

Take care Teacher Friends!


  1. This is sooooooooooo me. I finally bought one...after learning it's not called wasabi tape. I don't even have a nice planner, yet still love using it for my notebooks. I now have 7...just from the last few days ha.

  2. I am SO on the washi tape addiction right now!!! Darn all the teachers posting their beautiful plan books dressed up with washi! I was looking at a bunch on Amazon too, but a lot of them had arrival dates of September... and I definitely can't wait that long! I am checking out AllyDew right now!! Thanks for sharing!!!
    Kinder Colors

  3. I love washi tape for all sorts of things. I use it to separate my white board into sections. I just covered my filing cabinet in contact paper, and then I tried to find Washi tape that matched. I couldn't, so I used white masking tape, and I love it! There are pictures up on my blog if you are interested. I am kind of a pretty filing cabinet nut, so if you do one, be sure to post it!


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